Be proud of you, whatever you think, its already special since nobody else thinks like you.
That's one of the things i learned a lot this year in Fashiondesign at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.
The Fashionshow is over, Our five 3th years students are all graduated & pushed out into the world.
The Classroom is cleaned up and must look at this time not at all anymore like a Room where Fashion gets to his point...
It turns into an Exhibiton room. Exhibition of Graduation. Next week it will be the start, the 6th of July is the big Opening.
All the Graduates, of each department, from the Rietveld show their way of thinking and believing in.
In our Fahsionroom Graphicvisions will take over and the Fashiontrends you will find behind the building in a glasshouse next to the water..
Come by and be part, while we exhibit us.
Between that I, Manuela Ernst, 1 year, last year, soon 2nd year , next year, had my first Opening last week in Maison des Cartes in Amsterdam, French Embassy. During 2 months I worked for a french Designer Francoise André, " auxcorpsanonymes". Inspired by her collection, which carries the story of the Maoriculture and working with Lace for Men, I created my Maori Frogman Look.
" For Francoise Andre- Aux Corps Anonymes: I designed in honor of Mana and the Maori culture the Maori Frogman Headpiece:
Neoprene Hoodie with a feather-laceprint gives a surferfeeling and shows masculine power cause of its straight shape.
A Lacehood, embroidered with sparkling Swarovskis in direction of the water spiral Mana, frames the head.
Wool knitted Sweater in purple and coralorange, magic and sea-related , carries the pattern of the wooden figures that Maori use for their spiritual Rituals.
Maori Frogman is full of power and carries the story of your essence in life with it. I love to tell you the story about Mana. The holy river Mana is the essence of my design. "
You can still have a look at the Exhibition " Aux marins célestes till the 22nd of July.
The opening itself was my fist experience of exhibiting myself trough my work to a public outside of school. It was fashionably good. Good, I took that opportunity and let people see my way of thinking.
Can just advice to the Graduates to enjoy their show next week.
EXHIBITION aux marin célestes 21 of June till the 22 of July in Masion des Cartes Amsterdam
Marins célestes - exposition à la Cité de la dentelle de Calais from Mélinda Trochu on Vimeo.