zondag 19 juni 2011

The Show

A year of creating, months of designing, weeks of producing, days of styling...
All  were working towards one day, one show, the fashion show 2011 from the Rietveld Academie.
And then its over...and life goes one.
Bye R for Rietveld Hello R for Reality...
Our 5 graduation students made us all shown that Rietveld Fashion has the power to rock.
It's a small department, but there is some potential. Lots i would say.
We all enjoyed the day, some Backstage pictures for now and soon the pictures of the Show itself.
Check the link: fashion2011.rietveldacademie.nl
We are  already curious about your upcoming collections in the fashionworld out there.
Pablo Londono Sarria, we can follow from now on his new launched website.
I hope the 4 other graduates will keep us updated too.

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